Gladeyes loved nature in all its refinery, she particularly loved autumn when the trees would be in full glorious colours. I often watched her as she took in the sheer splendour and wonder of Mother Nature, she would see beauty in everything. Glad' also had a special fondness of rainbows that she always stated was a sign of God's promise to all people. It didn't matter what the season was or if the weather was freezing cold with snow covering the roads, cars, houses and gardens or thunder & lighting threatening to strike anywhere at anytime, for Glad' all this was part of God's handiwork for all to witness. Seeing gardens in their colourful glory was magical to her, I remember her on one occasion saying how nature was breathtakingly beautiful. Birds had a particular attraction for her & was always ready to feed them. I recall a time on holiday when I was instructed to get some bread to feed the seagulls, I did try to explain that it was illegal at that resort to feed the gulls & could result in a heavy fine if caught...... it was no use arguing, so quickly as possible we fed the bread to the gulls with a very watchful eye out for patrollers. Glad's argument was simple, they were God's creatures and therefore our duty to look after them & feed them irrespective of the chance of getting fined by the local authorities. I did say that she should try telling that to the judge & I'm sure she would have argued the case.
This morning I spotted a robin in the garden & again reminded how Gladeyes loved them & said they were God's little messengers. I like to believe that this morning's robin was Gladeyes popping in to let me know that she is watching over me, our Valerie, Steven & Janet. I have always enjoyed nature though never seeing the beauty as Gladeyes saw it, hopefully one day I will. A number of years ago, before she took ill, we decided to give our home a name, the one we chose was Rainbow. As I sit here to write these words I can remember all those times when she was at peace with the world as she saw its beauty. Thank you Robin for popping by, I've been inspired to write just a few words to reflect the love & beauty Gladeyes always beheld.